Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Acrantophis dumerilli and a view on morphs

Breeding this species reveals a lot of individual difference, and thus al lot of potential "colour strains" that could be purified. But this leads to ball-python-hype-situations where financial and estethical influenses play a greater role than the species itself. Although this is very interresting and beautifull and I have a lot of respect for the people with nice collections, it is not really my goal to play a great role in the morph-world.

morphs are man-made-mini-evolutions that can go on endless. Allthough it is not my personall interrest I know the morph-world can stimulate people to open their eyes for the beauty off nature and good things can come from it. Offcourse morphs have no significant biodiversity value. nominat species should never suffer under the morph-hypes. Morphs should never be used for reintroduction in the wild.

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