Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Masticophis flagellum and others, please respect the underdogs

some species like this Masticophus flagellum and gongylophis muelleri deserve more respect. It is possible to find them in the hobby but they remain underdogs because they can still be imported from the wild. they are not considdered very interresting but keep in mind that import will not last forever! In the past years I have had personal experience with several of these underestimated species. My future goals are to manage some breeding projects of these rare but still not expensive snakes. Because "rare" sadly often means "expensive" I really hope these cheaper species can have a captive sustainable population in private collections and zoos alike. other species where I have had some experience with like this are
-Lytorhynchus diadema
-Acrochordus granulatus
-Ahaetulla prasina
-Gongylophis muelleri
-elaphe rufodorsata

I call to all real snake enthousiasts to give underdog snakes (or other animals therefore) a place in your collection and try to reproduce them in captivity. I wish you the best of luck.

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